How I’m Attacking the COVID-19 30 With Atomic Weapons
I gained THIRTY pounds eating and drinking my feelings during the 2020 COVID-19 lockdowns and the long hangover.
And I’ve had enough. Today I’m going to share how I’m retaking control of my health. And it’s something you can do too.
Defeating this enemy requires the right strategy.
Most people assume you need a full-scale ground assault to win this war.
They join a gym and commit to going every day for two hours.
They empty their fridge and pantry and resolve to only eat according to the latest scientifically-researched diet that proves every other diet we’ve tried has been wrong.
Strategies dependent on massive behavioral change usually fail.
It is human nature to follow the Law of Least Effort, which states that when deciding between two similar options, people will naturally gravitate toward the option that requires the least amount of work.
James Clear
Full-scale ground assaults directly oppose this law and have us constantly fighting to go against the grain. Eventually, we give up and return to our old habits.
The solution is to consistently apply small incremental changes that put you on a trajectory toward your desired destination.
And then you let the power of compounding take over:
If I have a fridge full of individually-portioned healthy meals, I’ll grab one and toss it in the microwave. Every other path to food is longer and harder. Weekly meal prep for the win!
I know that if I have a pantry full of my teenagers’ snacks (their cravings must be genetic!), I’ll grab a container and mindlessly munch on the couch. So I’ve boxed up their snacks and stored them in a closet I don’t use. Out of sight, out of mind!
And speaking of the couch, I’ll only let myself eat if I’m sitting at my dining table in the kitchen!
James Clear calls behavior changes like these Atomic Habits, but I call them my strategic “Atomic Weapons” in the war to improve my health.